Sunday 10 August 2014


President Barack Obama has warned that to help Iraq stabilize their country overcome the insurgency will take quite a long time

"It will be a long-term project to change and military supply and build support among Sunnis," he said as quoted by the BBC, Saturday, August 9, 2014

In this case Obama defend Sunnis for Sunnis regarded as a peace-loving people. the Sunni are being attacked by ISIS, so Obama to intervene in order to establish world peace. Obama stressed that progress will depend on the Iraqis to come together to form an inclusive government

He also said the air strike last Friday was the first time that American forces were directly involved in military operations in Iraq since they were withdrawing from the country by the end of 2011, has been devastating weapons and equipment ISIS group

Added Obama, it also has to prevent attacks by al-Qaeda separatists in thousands of Yazidi religious minority group members stranded on a mountain in north-western Iraq

In addition to military operations, the United States also helped the logistics for the minorities, such as by dropping thousands of bottles of water and ration packs during the last 2 days

Two aircraft carrying supplies, according to the Pentagon escorted by fighter F / A-18 Hornet is launched from the aircraft carrier USS George HW Bush, who was in the Gulf

"We feel confident we can prevent ISIS slaughtering people who were there., But the next step, which will be tricky is logistics, how do we provide safe passage for people down from the mountain and where eventually move to a safe place, "he said. 

That phrase Obama in the media. He does not see Islam or non-Islam in matters of peace in Iraq. important if there are groups that insist to spoil the peace He did not hesitate to lend a hand

Proof that Obama is a peace love he gave food aid to the Iraqi people who are victims

United States military aircraft dropped humanitarian aid to Iraq, even under the threat of the hardline militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in northern Iraq. This assistance was mentioned that both times sent

Air support was made ​​of several air bases in the Central Command area of ​​responsibility of the United States, including the C-17 cargo aircraft and two C-130 which together dropped a total of 72 bundles of food supply
In the distribution of relief from the air, cargo plane, accompanied by two F-18 fighter jets from the USS George HW Bush, the United States aircraft carrier.

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