Sunday 3 August 2014

Important Role of Character Education in Developing Nations

Getting an education is the right of every human being because education has a very important role for the survival and future of a person. Without education, a person will grow into the person who is not qualified, he will grow up to be someone who does not know the rules, their own wishes, lazy and tend to have weak mental, does not have a positive fighting spirit that would eventually make his way is not clear, uncontrolled and may fall into negative things, such as drugs and alcohol which cause the wearer to become addicted, so any way to be taken in order to get the drugs and booze. To get the drugs and booze is not free of course, there is a price to pay. When addicts are starting to run out of money to buy liquor drugs, gone through a variety of ways to obtain money to buy drugs and drink, ranging from selling items in the house until they run out and end up committing crimes ranging from stealing to rob. Without education, people will very easily influenced and exploited by certain parties who want to seek personal gain, they are very easily according to the command of the provocateurs who want to destroy the nation as rife today is terrorism that involves a lot of young children because they are very easy provoked and brainwashed. In addition, no human education will be very difficult to get a job because they do not have any skills which are demanded by each agency in obtaining employment.
Being developed and developing nations is the dream of every country in the world. Forward and whether or not a nation is strongly influenced by the educational factor. With careful education, a nation would have qualified human resources and not easily enslaved by others. Education is a primary requirement for the peoples who want to progress and develop. Improving the quality of education is very influential on the development of a nation. Education we get in a family environment, school environment, and the environmental community. 

·         Environmental Family
Education is the education of the child in the family. Family education has a profound influence on the formation of character and the key factor in shaping children to be good. A child who was educated by his parents with great affection will feel appreciated and needed, he will be loving family that will create conditions of mutual respect and mutual help. The condition is very supportive of the development of the child because the parents are the primary role in the growth and development of children. In the full sense of family affection, making children can develop self-esteem because he felt appreciated, loved, and accepted as a human being. With our valued and respected, then we can also appreciate other people. Families who implement family education can produce a child who has a good personality. Therefore, education in the family should be a solid foundation in building a child's personality.
·         School Environment
The school environment is second only to family education. Teachers become media resources for educators and students in providing knowledge according to their expertise. Teachers act giving assistance, motivation, and task the child for practicing self-discipline so that children have the responsibility to accomplish tasks. In the school environment more emphasis on teaching discipline, responsibility, and compliance with applicable rules and norms prevailing in society so that children can put yourself wherever it is located and how to be good, courteous, and polite to anyone especially to older people.
·         Community Environment 

Community also has an important role for the development of the students, because society can give you an idea of ​​how social life. Protégé interact directly with the public, so that people can judge whether he is a child educated or not educated.
With education, the knowledge embedded in the child which makes him able to discover new things that have never been there before so it can promote yourself and can be utilized wisely. In addition, education can instill positive things early against students. Looking at the current state, the young protégé as the nation's next generation are expected to develop knowledge to keep up with other nations and that are not easily enslaved and exploited by others.
However, education alone is not enough just to build a qualified person. Humans are highly educated with a genius IQ alone does not guarantee progress if the nation does not have a good character, even may be instead used to destroy the nation for personal gain. Without education builds character, a person will grow up to be someone who might be clever, but poor spiritually and emotionally. The process of education without character development, merely as a means of training and brain teasers, whereas moral behavior and neglected. Education is basically aimed at helping people become smart and intelligent as well as being a good and wise man. To make intelligent and clever man is not a difficult thing to do, but to make someone to be a good and wise man was not an easy thing to do, even can be said to be very difficult.
Moral quality of today's young generation can be said to decline, because that character education should be organized which include moral education, values ​​education life, religious, and moral in every educational institution. The character is a pattern of behavior that is individualized. According to Williams & Schnaps (1999), the meaning of character education is a variety of work done by the members of the school, and even performed together with parents and the community, to help children and adolescents to have a caring, opinionated, and responsible responsibility.
According to Lickona, there are seven reasons that character education should be presented as follows:
1.       The best way to ensure the students have a good personality in her life
2.      ways to increase the academic achievement
3.      most students can not form a strong character elsewhere
4.      prepare students to respect others and live in the community
5.      originated from the moral-social problems such as violence, sexual abuse, rudeness, dishonesty, and low work ethic
6.      best preparation to meet the behavior in the workplace
7.      teaches cultural values
Character education given to the students as the future generation leads to respect, responsibility, honesty, caring, fair, and obedient to God Almighty. In other words, character education aims to form the nation's moral, noble, spirited patriot, tough and competitive based on faith and piety to God Almighty.
Character education is based on six ethical values ​​called the Six Pillars of Character Education, namely:
1.      Trust
2.      Respect
3.      Responsibility
4.      Justice
5.      Care
6.      Citizenship

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