Sunday 3 August 2014

Indonesian Islamic boarding schools and educational

Boarding School (Pesantren) is still the people's choice to educate their children. Moreover, with the many-faced ponpes modern, increasingly many are children of the nation who had the opportunity to get an education without forgetting the religious public education.

Based on 2010-2011 data collection from the Ministry of Religious boarding school, boarding school there are 27 218 spread throughout Indonesia. The number of overall students even reach 3,642,738 people.
 In language, meaning cottage residence or temporary buildings. Cottage in Arabic is called al fundduq meaningful dormitory, where temporary accommodation. The boarding of the word 'pe-santri-ness' which means place the students. 

Rasta, according Zamakhsyari Dhofier in Pesantren Tradition, derived from the word 'sant' which means a good man and 'tri' ie prefer. Thus, both human means students who prefer collectively. As Abdurrahman Mas'oed in History and Culture boarding school students interpret as people who seek knowledge of Islam. Thus, referring to a boarding school where the students lived and learned.

 In contrast to previous opinion, Clifford Geertz students actually make sense of the terminology from the Sanskrit 'Shastri' which means scientists Hindu educated and clever writing. Even with CC Berg. He means students of 'Shastri', ie, those skilled in Hinduism holy book. In other words, Western scientists tend to argue that the Islamic boarding school after coming in Indonesia is the result of acculturation with earlier religions, Hindu-Buddhist. 

However, many opinions that say boarding is not associated with the Hindu-Buddhist tradition, but rather related to the Middle East. The number of Indonesian Muslims who study the Middle East to bring home the moment teaching style of the birthplace of Islam. Style Koran at the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque applicable Indonesian Muslim scholars in assemblies held when returning to the home country.
 Marwati Djoened Poesponegoro and Nugroho Notosusanto the Indonesian National History III: Age of Growth and development of Islam in Indonesia, said information about the origin of boarding institutions very little, not even known when all the institutions established early.

It has been suggested that boarding is a continuation of a similar institution that ever existed in the pre-Islamic period. According Sugarda Purbakawaca, more like a boarding school education lembga Hindu educational institutions rather than Arabic. A similar argument is put forward by stating that Brodjonegara Sutejo pesantren education system is not derived from the original Arabic, but Hindu.

 "Opinions are speculative in nature which may be true because there is an indication that the pre-Islamic hermitage remained some time after the Java diislamkan. Fact, the new hermitage continuously established. However, not clear whether it is an institution where teaching Islam took place, "wrote Marwati and Nugroho. 

From the first Dutch survey of indigenous education held in 1819 mentioned, the actual boarding at that time not in the whole of Java. Educational institutions like boarding schools were reported in Priangan, Pekalongan, Apex, Kedu, Surabaya, Madiun and Ponorogo. In other areas there is no formal education at all, except that informal education is given in private homes and mosques. The oldest boarding schools can be seen in the establishment is Tegalsari boarding school in Ponorogo, East Java. Pesantren was founded by Sultan Paku Lane II in 1742 as a token of gratitude to Kyai Hasan Habibie. Pakubowono II also built mosques and dormitories for students. 

According to Abdurrahman Mas'ud in boarding school-event Intellectual Religion and Tradition, boarding origin related to the presence Walisongo in 15-16 century AD on the island of Java. According to him, the Walisongo combining religious and secular aspects of Islamic teaching in the community. Thus, generated a unique educational institution. Walisongo teaching style, which grew ponpes continues Walisongo refers to the style. 

Mediate diverse opinions, Haedari Amin in The Future Challenges Islamic School In Modernity and Global Challenges complexity said, difference of opinion is not confirmed one of them. Diverse opinions, said Amin, has the truth. 

"These two arguments are complementary and boarding schools can not be separated from the Hindu elements that already exist in Indonesia earlier and elements of the Islamic Middle East where Islam originated," he said. 

 Regardless of the origins of the various boarding schools, Amin said, boarding at the root of Islamic education in Indonesia. Because the boarding school education is considered as a method of birth Indonesia. During its development, it gives birth to madrassas and Islamic schools. "Talking about the historical roots of Islamic education in Indonesia can not be separated from boarding. Due boarding school education system is regarded as native to Indonesia," he said. 

Teaching at the school is almost entirely done by reading the book. There are two methods were always used ponpes, namely sorogan and comparative or weton. Methods sorogan the students facing the teacher one at a time with a book that will be studied. Kiai read Arabic lesson sentence by sentence then translate and explain the meaning. 

The method bandongan the lecture method. In this method, the students follow the lesson by sitting around the scholars who explain the tuition lessons.

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